BNECC newsletter

John Graham-Brown has taken on the unenviable task of putting together the club newsletter. Please can you email him with items to put in the newsletter, e.g. race results etc (email:

2014 Club Subscriptions

2014 club subscriptions are now due. They must be paid by the 12th March 2014. Payment can be made at the club meeting (held at 8pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Thornton Hough Church Hall) or by post (contact Brad Smith by email ( for the postal address). Cheques should be made payable to “Birkenhead North End Cycling Club”.

Membership costs:

Senior (over 18) – £30

Junior (16-18) – £7.50

Juvenile (U-16) – £1.50

Over 65 – £22.50

Associate – £15

2nd Claim – £22.50


Club kit order

BNECC Team Kit arm and leg warmers, black with lettering as per shorts and long sleeve jerseys.

Armwarmers £11.50 pair

Legwarmers £18.00 pair

Sizes small. medium, large and XL

Contact Steve Molyneux with your confirmed size to order (see clothing tab on website for contact details). Money will be taken up front. Delivery approx 6 weeks from when the full order is placed. There will be no stock items so spread the word to not miss out.

Sizes as per your current kit.

They will look amazing!